Sharon India Foundation

We are excited to be a part of Global Discipleship Network

Continuing our legacy of disciple making ministry into all the world…

Sharon India Foundation is a part of Global Discipleship Network (GDN), a registered 501(c)3 organization dedicated to assisting the poor and disenfranchised. We understand that if monitored support is supplied to a network of dedicated and faithful pastors and leaders, the suffering of the world can be greatly relieved. In nearly two decades of work, we have seen thousands of lives impacted. A few examples: During the COVID-19 pandemic, hundreds of pastors were assisted during the lock down, who in turn assisted their people dealing with major food shortages. Also, widows have received medical treatment, and training in sewing with their own quality machines. Orphans have been cared for and free education has been provided to neighborhoods in the slum areas. After natural disasters generated from Cyclones, relief has been provided in the form of medical supplies, food items, blankets, clothing and building materials. Bore wells have been successfully dug to provide fresh water to areas in need of this vital resource. Water purification systems have also been given out on a limited basis. Thousands of books have been translated to assist in the ever growing discipleship outreach of E-Squared (E2). Bibles have been provided to hundreds of new believers translated in their native language.

Today, Sharon India Foundation intimately touches lives in over 20 states of India and throughout southeast Asia.

Our greatest blessing is seeing the hope and encouragement given to thousands as they pursue being Disciple Makers.

Teaching church leaders and laymen alike in our E2 Seminars.

Last year, over 1400 pastors and lay leaders attended seminars.

Our annual goal for 2024 is to see 2500 reached with this training.

We are currently training and developing five new teaching pastors, so that the ministry may advance its territory and scope of reach.

We have recently deployed our first order of discipleship training materials to Kenya, Africa and are looking forward to holding our first training workshops this Summer.

Reinforcing the lessons through regular small group study. (In person and online)

Now the information is part of who they are.

  • Part of their language
  • Part of their daily walk
  • Part of their emotions

The Three Domains of Learning

Thinking (Head)

Feeling (Heart)

Physical (Hands)

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you.

Matthew 28:19-20